
A repository for reports, opinions and bits of writing on labour, trade union and other issues by a union activist and retired social worker.

Saturday, 15 September 2001

Avoid the cycle of killing
By the time you get this issue the USA may have identified the people behind the 11 September atrocity. USA/ NATO may already have taken action. 

Either way the long-term problems that terrorism feeds on will not have been tackled. That requires an internationalism, a reason, an understanding and a commitment to justice and humanity rather than merely national interest.

How union members rallied round

9/11 From Scotland in UNISON September 2001
Within minutes of the tragedy, construction workers contacted Bob Walsh of the Iron Workers Local 40 with offers of help. By the time the National Guard called the union, 1,000 union members were available. 

The union set up three teams of recovery workers to be rotated including volunteers from Local 78, experts in asbestos handling.