
A repository for reports, opinions and bits of writing on labour, trade union and other issues by a union activist and retired social worker.

Friday, 20 September 2002

UNISON Mela sponsorship celebrates diversity and all that's best in Scotland

The late Hamish Henderson's celebrated anthem to freedom, peace and friendship - 'Freedom Cam A' Ye' - brought the house down at the UNISON sponsored 'The Roses Turn to Bloom" concert at the Edinburgh Mela last week.

Thursday, 20 June 2002

Best wishes as Denis returns to South Africa

Denis (left) with John Stevenson and John
Nelson at Edinburgh City Chambers circa 1995
After 17 years in Britain, Denis Goldberg, is going back to his South Africa homeland - not to retire of course, but to become an advisor to the Minister of Water and Forestry.

Denis has won enormous respect in UNISON and has become a great friend of the union, first working for the ANC in London, then setting up Community HEART - the charity working for health, education and reconstruction training in South Africa.

Wednesday, 15 May 2002

Removing the causes of terror more effective than all the tanks and bombs

John McFadden

Grave concerns about the international situation were heightened at the STUC as continuing reports of the attacks on Palestine came through first hand from trade unionists. 

A few weeks ago, John McFadden, Scottish NEC member, and union President Veronica Dunn, were on a UNISON delegation to the Middle East where they met both Palestinian and Israeli trade unionists.