
A repository for reports, opinions and bits of writing on labour, trade union and other issues by a union activist and retired social worker.

Tuesday, 20 December 2005

Edinburgh votes NO to housing stock transfer

Click here for campaign broadsheet

Edinburgh's council tenants have vote NO to housing transfer by 53% to 47% on a 60% turnout, despite a huge and costly campaign by the council. UNISON is now calling on the council to explore the other options that already exist to finance public housing and bring the improvements and new builds that are needed.

"The Government can start by respecting tenants' views and writing off the debt. It was ridiculous that the Government would only write off the debt if tenants voted the way they wanted. Clearly Edinburgh tenants were angry at that blackmail", said Edinburgh UNISON Branch Secretary John Stevenson.

"Tenants have clearly said they want their public housing to remain public. They want their housing to be democratically accountable. They want everyone to learn the lessons of the stock transfers elsewhere, not least in Glasgow.

Monday, 20 June 2005

Make Poverty History: Biggest demonstration Scotland has ever seen

Organisers and police said there were 225,000 there. Old demonstration hands put it at nearer 300,000. There were certainly lots of us with the trade union contingent marching off five hours after the first of the continuous line set off to circle the city centre. 

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis was even called away to make his speech before the march set off.

UNISON banners were there from Aberdeen to Hounslow via Edinburgh, Nottinghamshire and Bristol. UNISON members from across the country were dotted around the march.