
A repository for reports, opinions and bits of writing on labour, trade union and other issues by a union activist and retired social worker.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Pensions: Speech to Edinburgh TUC Rally on PCS strike day

I’m proud to be here from UNISON to bring a message of solidarity to the workers on strike today. You are leading the way today in the face of the most indecent, vicious and self-serving attacks on our people in a generation. And you take on that fight in the face of many enemies.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Conference Review: Everybody agrees it was consensus

UNISON National Conference 2011: Organisation, dispelling myths, winning hearts and minds to defend over 60 years of a civilised society that our people fought for and won.

That’s what this week was and rightly should have been about. Consensus on the need to defend the founding principles of our NHS. As Bevan said, it will be there so long as we have the faith to defend it.

Consensus on the need to defend care of the most vulnerable; the welfare state; education for all, not just the few; a voluntary and community sector that enhances rather than competes, underpinned by properly resourced public services.