First published in the Scottish Review on 6/5/15: It has been hard to be silent on the social worker 'contempt’ case over the last 18 months. As the union initially representing the individuals, it was important we avoided anything that might prejudice their case in such bizarre and unpredictable legal proceedings.
Despite the woeful inaccuracy of some social work commentators’ responses, we could not correct them without sharing details of the case which are only now fully in the public domain. Now that the social workers have been cleared, and even more importantly the paramountcy of the welfare of children has been recognised, it is time to put some records straight.
UNISON was the first to step in with legal support for our members. So confusing were the beginnings of the case that it was not clear how or where else legal support would or could come from. Honourably, the City of Edinburgh Council readily took responsibility but without that immediate union support in the first few days and weeks, our members would have been totally vulnerable in the Kafkaesque proceedings they found themselves at the centre of.