
A repository for reports, opinions and bits of writing on labour, trade union and other issues by a union activist and retired social worker.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

A £1 tourist tax could help mitigate the cuts

First published in the Morning Star 9/1/18. Despite all the campaigning, it can still be hard to convince people of just how savage local government cuts have been in Scotland.

You can try giving them the figures. Nine out of ten austerity job losses have been in councils. Despite Holyrood getting a £180 million budget increase from Westminster, councils in Scotland will get nothing this year.

Even a 3% increase in the council tax is a £135 million real terms cut even with the lowest inflation projection. Councils estimate they need an extra £545 million to stand still without even starting to repair the damage done by the years of silent slaughter of local services.

Yet many people remain unconvinced. That is, unless they have had a personal experience of the cuts.